Titans Defense
T Monk
Rhetorical Question
Whether or not you agree with him, it is so refreshing to hear a president speak intelligently. In my opinion I want a president that seems smarter than me. I think most people would agree with that so my question is; what does that say about Bush voters?
*(No offense to my loyal reader(s) who fall in that category)
by Muntaba Lambego @ 11/26/2008 2 comment(s)
Barack Obama,
Don't blame edgrimly, he voted for the lizard people
You can vote for them too here.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 11/21/2008 1 comment(s)
Lizard People
Gulf War Syndrome
Now apparently called Gulf War Illness, a long awaited congressional report is out confirming a causal link between service in the first gulf war with this illness. After over a decade of denying any such link and labeling it psychosomatic, the federal government and the VA should now have no choice but to pony up for treatment.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 11/17/2008 1 comment(s)
Like it's going out of style
Is the way the GW Bush administration is handing out money in its final few months in office. Think the Iraq war is a money pit? Not in comparison to what has been spent ensuring financial execs get their christmas bonuses this year. This CNBC page is keeping a running tally of the grand sum of federal handouts, and has a slideshow to compare it to other high dollar expenses in the history of the nation. The money spent on the financial crisis surpasses even WWII, and the entire cumulative spending of NASA. Memo to W: George senior can't write a check to bail you out of this one.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 11/17/2008 0 comment(s)
Another video for ed
It was kind of cool to see Mila Kunis say guild and twink.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 11/10/2008 0 comment(s)
More dumbing down
Not long ago Chopper wrote about people dumbing things down, he may be interested to read this from my favorite naysayer addressing a similar thing.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 11/10/2008 1 comment(s)
Eject him
Harry Reid, don't give Joe Lieberman any chairmanships please. Just don't. He campaigned for McCain, and is pining for an Iran invasion. Why would you put one of McCain's main men in one of the most influential positions on foreign policy? He is still extricating his shit stained nose from the GOP's ass now that he sees the wind is blowing the other way. The election buzzword was change and Lieberman is anything but that.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 11/09/2008 0 comment(s)
Hand over fist
Here's a look at what the bailout money has been doing so far in Rolling Stone.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 11/09/2008 0 comment(s)
missed calls
1999 called, they want their Nader back.
2000 called, they want their McCain back.
1946 called, they want their George back.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 11/05/2008 0 comment(s)
Ralph Nader
If you thought McCain supporters had a bad Tuesday
At least they weren't in one of ed's cardboard trucks like this guy.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 11/05/2008 3 comment(s)
The missing tape
The missing tape that was never really missing.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 11/03/2008 1 comment(s)
Barack Obama,