
By the way

Did you hear the Iraq war is over?

What do I find most annoying today?

Gelato craze.


Radioactive boars in Germany from the Chernobyl meltdown. Or, rampaging, as Fox News puts it. I like the story, but, there's a fair amount of miles between Germany and the Ukraine. It is surprising that the effects are felt that far away, if true.

Wise words from Kucinich

Government bloat

Not only has president Obama recklessly spent millions on rural broadband infrastructure($65 mil), and shoved a big dumb choo choo ($800 mil) down our throats, he also is running up the largest defense budget in history (700 billion)- as the yearly ritual requires.

Pentagon spending has averaged a growth rate of 7 percent a year over the last decade, adjusted for inflation (or nearly 12 percent a year without adjusting), including the costs of the wars. Mr. Obama has asked Congress for an increase in total spending next year of 2.2 percent, to $708 billion — 6.1 percent higher than the peak in the Bush administration.

The headline of the article this quote is from may surprise you:

Pentagon Plans Steps to Reduce Budget and Jobs

Don't worry, friends, Congress will most surely beef it up a bit more than Obama requested.