The smut epidemic and the moral decline of America

Thank goodness there are still some law enforcement officers with the balls to stand up to the increasingly widespread and brazen smut peddlers.

Thank the lord there is still plenty of wholesome family entertainment.

So Long Thomas Jefferson

According to the Texas Board of Education, not only reality, but also history, has a liberal bias. Expunged from the record is Thomas Jefferson's role in the revolution, as well as the part of the first amendment regarding freedom of religion. Joe McCarthy is vindicated and students will learn that the participants in the civil rights struggle were not the angels they were made out to be.

pushed through a change to the teaching of the civil rights movement to ensure that students study the violent philosophy of the Black Panthers in addition to the nonviolent approach of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
One interesting change is substituting the word 'constitutional republic' instead of 'democracy' to describe the US govt. Though technically accurate, I'm curious about the reasoning behind it. On the upside since we no longer have a democracy maybe we can no longer export democracy to others..