Child prostitution, both real and imagined
Over the last few weeks, as you probably know, short youtube style videos have been coming out that seem to show ACORN employees offering tax advice to two undercover conservatives disguised with dime store pimp-and-ho outfits.
Over the last decade, at least two defense contractors have been investigated over involvement with foreign child sex slaves. Others have cases of rape, debauchery, more debauchery, and coverup. Some notables are Dyncorp from Bosnia, Blackwater(Xe), KBR(a former Halliburton subsidiary), and ArmorGroup(this one is the most comical).
(Is it coincidence that the Armorgroup and ACORN scandals, which happened to be the ones with funny pictures and videos, received substantial puiblicity, while the others much less? Or is it some sort of sign of the reality-teevee times we live in?)
Last week, as the ACORN videos were gaining prominence, both the Senate and the House voted to cut off all federal funding for ACORN, and the DoJ is launching an investigation.
Congressional actions to cut off funding for pretend child prostitution: 1
Congressional actions to cut off funding for real child prostitution: 0
An Update: It turns out that I was wrong, and the legislation meant to end ACORN funding actually cuts off funding for any organization that has been charged with certain misdeeds. Turns out if it is enacted, it will de-fund the entire private defense establishment. Can it be re-written or re-interpreted to apply only to ACORN? If it is then it may be a 'bill of attainder', which would then be unconstitutional. Heavens, what a pickle!
by Muntaba Lambego @ 9/21/2009 2 comment(s)
I did hear right
It seems that Mr O'Reilly actually would like a 'public option'. Who knew?
by Muntaba Lambego @ 9/17/2009 0 comment(s)
Best news story of the week
All I can say is, that if someone punched me twice, and after the second punch their finger "ended up in my mouth", I might be tempted to bite the sucker off too.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 9/03/2009 0 comment(s)
lost digits
Just who are these dirty fucking hippies?
I want to know who these people are that are angry about the indoctrination video Obama made to show children next week, that allegedly brainwashes them into believing in education, hard work, and being a productive member of society (aka a conformist corporate slave). hippies.
An Update: The near and dear to my heart Elmbrook School District did not show the video in school.
Another Update: A Texas school, that would not show the video during school, is planning later this month to bus kids to the local domed sporting complex to hear George W Bush, among others, speak. A Nested Update: They have now canceled the trip.
Yet Another Update: If interested in a case of real and worrying political indoctrination of schoolchildren, see this article of the fight to put Newt Gingrich in Texas Textbooks.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 9/03/2009 0 comment(s)
Plenty of outhouses (13:04)
I wish I would have gone for the free Faygo. Mmmm that's good.
An Update: I had a tip
by Muntaba Lambego @ 9/03/2009 1 comment(s)
Time to come home?
Yesterday the NYT ran a cover story about Obama's need for GOP support in the continuation of the Afghanistan occupation. Perhaps it is an ominous omen then even that support is showing signs of ebbing. One of the higher profile conservative columnists, George Will from the Washington Post, just wrote a column making the case for withdrawal; and just as surprisingly also published this week another column making the case for withdrawal from Iraq. At the same time, former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel writes a column in the same paper, a paper not known for its anti-war stance, highlighting the futility of our efforts to bomb the Middle East to peace. No one realistically should expect this to signal an imminent mass shift of the GOP's commitment to our indefinite involvement in these two countries, but if more unelected conservatives find the sense and/or courage to lose the strong on national security schtick and accept the wisdom of disengagement it is definitely an encouraging step in the direction of hastening the day of withdrawal. I thought Will's Iraq piece was especially well written, and while it would have been better had it appeared 5 years ago, it's better late than never.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 9/03/2009 0 comment(s)
George Will,
Can there be any room for a centrist at a health care reform town hall meeting |
by Muntaba Lambego @ 9/03/2009 0 comment(s)
An erotic journey from Minsk to Milan
SC governator Mark Sanford's Lt. Governator is calling for him to quit. No word yet on who the successor would be.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 9/03/2009 0 comment(s)
Mark Sanford