To anyone who says not to speak ill of the recently deceased, I would like to say that Robert Novak was a useless waste of human flesh. I would also like to say that Gerald Ford did the entirely WRONG thing in pardoning Nixon, and it is a shame that everyone felt the need to whitewash that fact when he died.
Robert Novak needs a ballad.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 8/19/2009 0 comment(s)
good riddance,
Robert Novak
Calling out edgrimly
I think this post had edgrimly in mind, pretty sure.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 8/18/2009 0 comment(s)
Death Panels
Have you heard the scary talk about the "death panels" and euthenasia that will be in Obama's health care overhaul? Have you heard breathless reassurances that it will not, in fact, have these death panels that will kill grandma?
While it is true that there are no signs that the proposed reform will have panels to determine whether or not you are worthy of saving, it is my opinion that they should. Everybody wants 'reform' and 'lower costs' for the country's health care system. However, very few want any expense spared when their loved one is about to die. If you have had any experiences with health care in this country, I am probably not telling you anything you didn't already know. When death is imminent, it is commonplace to take drastic measures and use expensive methods to squeeze out just a little extra time, time which is often spent unconscious and braindead, being kept alive by machines, or just as often someone is brought back from the brink to live out the few remaining months of their life as an incoherent shell of their former self that struggles to even put shoes on.
As Newt Gingrich pointed out, 1/3 of Medicare spending is spent in the last year of life, and half of that amount is spent in the last 2 months.
If universal insurance of some form is enacted, should everyone have to pay for these practices? Chances are you are currently doing so with your health insurance premium, and definitely are with your medicare tax dollars. It seems to me that a rational standard for end-of-life care should be established, and those wishing for expensive and extraordinary end-of-life measures to be taken should purchase supplemental insurance to cover these costs.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 8/17/2009 1 comment(s)
Did I hear right?
I thought I just heard Bill O'Reilly endorse the public option. I'll see if I can find video of it.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 8/11/2009 0 comment(s)
Talking Heads Healthcare Edition
Billy and Johnny are in a heated argument at the local school recess area.
Billy's dad is a greedy CEO and his older brother is Angry Guy.
Johnny's dad is a union thug and his older brother is Don't taze me bro dude.
Edifying hilarity ensues My dad said you're a socialist
No mine said you're a fascist
Nu-Uh, your a socialist
No your a socialist
Am not
Are so
Yea? Well your a nazi
No way you're the nazi
Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler
{playground supervisor approaches} He called me a nazi
Yea he is one of them
I can't believe you called me that
I can't stand this horseshit anymore
Your participle is dangling, pinhead
{dramatic music} Fuck your mother
lick my teabaggers
.... some people have no common decency these days
Apparently someone is stuck arguing on a third grade level.
Some of us successfully passed on to the fourth grade
and thanks for being with us this recess.
by Muntaba Lambego @ 8/11/2009 1 comment(s)
talking heads
If you haven't visited yet, you better hurry up
If you haven't yet made it to the creationist museum I mentioned a while back, time is running out because the IRS is preparing to confiscate it. (C&L)
by Muntaba Lambego @ 8/05/2009 0 comment(s)
flat earth