
Hunter S

1 comment:

edgrimly said...

Wow. Good article by the good doctor. Posthumously of course. At the time, Congress voted to get money and men in as fast as possible. In retrospect, as well as posthumously, that was the play and it did happen. Now, in retrospect and from the grave, what would the good doctor say? Same as everybody.

But...and it is a big ass...It was a chance for the Cowboy to finish daddy's job. How would Iraq be without the US? Would Sadaam Housein have talked to us and been a loyal subject to the American crown? Doubt it. And so do large amounts of Kurds, who had been gassed(I thought they stopped that in WW1).

What would have happened if we went into 'Ghani with the same force? If we would have captured Bin Laden who had already gone across the border with Pakistan.

What is the right play? What should the cowboy do then?

I'm not saying that the course that was taken was the right one at that time. But what would you have done?