Newly minted Marxists

Ever since Apollo Creed died the Commies have been getting a bad rap. We've fought wars to defeat them, and they and their leftist brethren might be used as a pejorative metaphor more often even than Hitler. Even anti-American cleric edgrimly dislikes them. That's why I was so surprised when some heavy hitters in conservatism began dissing Scott McClellan's new book as something he did 'just for the money', i guess as opposed to doing it 'for the greater good'. Who does these kind of things, writing a book and then getting paid for their writing services, while publishers then create consumer goods in the form of books which all the consumers will purchase from a local bookstore or online retailer. Perhaps it would have been better if he wrote his book by hand with a pencil, in exchange for a regular allotment of food and drink chits, and then reading at aloud at various streetcorners (with no change jars of course) for the nonprofit enjoyment of passerby.

1 comment:

edgrimly said...

I was never called a cleric before.